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There are three layers of governance within Exceed Academies Trust:

  • Members – responsible for holding the Trustees to account and ensuring the charitable object of the organisation is being fulfilled. Also responsible for the appointment of the majority of Trustees.
  • Trustees (Directors) – in conjunction with the CEO, have ultimate responsibility for making strategic decisions about the day to day running of the schools within the Trust. Also responsible for the appointment of all governors.
  • Local Governors – in conjunction with the Headteachers, support the Trustees by monitoring and challenging the performance of each school at a local level.

Exceed Academies Trust is a private limited company by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the schools that make up the trust and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those schools is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.

These Trustees are also the Directors of the company. Much of the work of the Board is delegated to committees; in particular there is a separate committee for each of the schools, which works as a Local Advisory Board (in some cases a more focussed interim board will be implemented to support rapid improvement). The Trustees also have 'Risk and Audit ', 'Teaching School Hub', and 'SAFE Taskforce' sub-committees to support their work.

The Local Advisory Board has delegated responsibility for monitoring the day-to-day running of the school. The LAB is made up of the Governors of the school. Some Governors are appointed by the Trustees whilst others are elected by parents or carers of pupils/students at the school or by staff. A LAB usually includes:

  • A representative of the Trust;
  • The Headteacher/Executive Headteacher;
  • 2 Parent Governors;
  • 2 Staff Governors;
  • 3 Co-opted Governors.

Information about our Members can be found in the Our Team section: Trust Members.

An overview of our Trustees can be found in the Our Team section: Trustees/Directors.

For further information about governance within Exceed Academies Trust please refer to the documentation in the Policies and Statutory Documents section.

You can contact the Chair of Trustees via our Governance Manager (Peter Taylor) by emailing:

Overview of Our Governance Structure

Overview of Exceed Academies Trust governance structure

Diversity Data

The DfE encourages academy trusts to publish easily accessible data about the diversity of their board and associated committees. In order to ensure that individuals cannot be identified, we have collated diversity data provided voluntarily and anonymously by all representatives of our governance community. This includes Members, Trustees, and Local Governors. The data can be viewed below or accessed here: Governance Diversity Data

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Interested in Being a Trustee or Governor?

If you feel you could make a positive contribution to the work of our Trustees or a Local Advisory Board, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact our Governance Manager, who will provide further advice and information, by emailing

The Role of School Governors and Trustees

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